RESEARCH AND WRITING TECHNIQUES COURSE FOR UNDERGRADUATE THESIS /Fakültemiz tarafından son sınıf öğrencilerimize yönelik “Lisans Bitirme Ödevleri (Lisans Tezleri) İçin Araştırma ve Yazım Teknikleri Kursu” düzenlenecektir. Kursla ilgili bilgiler: Kurs Günleri ve Sa...
"Advanced Word Processing and Touch Typing Course for Graduate Students" /Yüksek Lisans Öğrencilerine Yönelik Olarak "Word Kullanma ve On Parmak Yazma Kursu" düzenlenecektir. Kurs ile İlgili Bilgiler: Kurs Günleri ve Saatleri: Perşembe 19:00-20:00 Saatleri Arasında Kurs Ye...
Fall Term Preparatory, Undergraduate and Ilitam Midterm Exam Program 2024-2025 Güz Dönemi Hazırlık & Lisans Vize Sınav Programı / 23.11.2024-29.11.2024 2024-2025 Güz Dönemi Lisans Tamamlama (İlitam Programı) Vize Sınav Programı / 30.11.2024 - 01.12.2024...
Students to be Employed Part-Time in the 2024-2025 Academic Year at the Faculty of Theology İLAHİYAT FAKÜLTESİ 2024-2025 EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI KISMİ ZAMANLI ÇALIŞTIRILACAK OLAN ÖĞRENCİLERİN İSİM LİSTESİ EKLİ DOSYADADIR....
Our Faculty Member Isa Babur Participated in Summer School at the University of Vienna Researcher İsa Babur Attended Comparative Habsburg-Ottoman Paleography Summer School in Vienna İsa Babur, a researcher from the Department of History of Religions in our faculty, successfully partici...
Conference: "What Does Palestine Tell Us" A conference titled *"What Does Palestine Tell Us"* will be held on Thursday, November 21, 2024, at 14:00 in Amphi-3. The speaker for the event will be lawyer Ahmet Sait Öner, President of the İlke Fo...
Conference: "Mental Deterioration" Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kavlak The Ideal Youth Community (İDEAL GENÇLİK TOPLULUĞU), a student club of our faculty, is organizing a conference titled "Mental Deterioration". The event will take place on Monday, November 18, 2024, at...
Orientation Program Welcomes New Students at Our Faculty The Faculty hosted an orientation program for new students of the 2024-2025 academic year, providing valuable insights into the University's vision, works, and academic opportunities. The program feat...
Faculty of Theology Hosts Conference on "The Promised Land in the Qur'an" Iğdır Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Temel İslam Bilimleri Tefsir Ana Bilim Dalı Öğretim üyesi Dr. Öğr. Üy. Abdullah ÖZÜÇALIŞIR 12.11.2024 tarihinde İlahiyat Fakültesi Anfi- 3 salonunda öğrencilere "...
Iğdır University, Faculty of Theology 2024-2025 Academic Year Meal Scholarship Results Announced The results of the meal scholarship applications for the 2024-2025 academic year at the Faculty of Theology, Iğdır University, have been finalized. Students can review the application results in the a...
Iğdır University Updates Principles for Theology Undergraduate Completion Distance Education Program The principles for the Distance Education, Training, and Examination Application of the Theology Undergraduate Completion Program at Iğdır University have been updated. The updated version of the prin...
Safahat Readings The "Safahat Readings" seminar, organized for students by the "Elzemminval Book Club" of the Faculty of Theology, will be held weekly in the Faculty of Theology meeting room. The seminar will be condu...